
Jimena Agudelo
Mind Map by Jimena Agudelo, updated more than 1 year ago
Jimena Agudelo
Created by Jimena Agudelo almost 4 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. Symptoms
    1. Fever
      1. Cough
        1. Runny nose
          1. Shortness of breath
          2. If you have these symptoms (you should)
            1. Sel - isolate
              1. Seek medical attention
              2. What should you do?
                1. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
                  1. Cover your mouth when you cough
                  2. Wash your hands
                    1. Maintain at least one metre distance from other people
                  3. Biosecurity elemets
                    1. Facemask
                      1. Alcohol
                        1. Antibacterial
                        2. Places
                          1. high risk
                            1. Playground
                              1. Concerts
                                1. Meetings with many people
                                2. Low risk
                                  1. House
                                    1. Drive - in movies
                                      1. Picnic
                                    2. Doctor and scientists
                                      1. Treatments
                                        1. Vaccines
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