A life faithful to the word. Mennonites in Costa Rica
Respect their husbands, raise
children, take care of their family.
Must wear a dress that covers all their
bodies and a white cap on their heads. Short
hair, make-up, earrings, chains,
wrist-watches, colorful, tight or
semi-transparent fabrics are forbidden. They
cannot paint their nails.
They take care of their
wives, provide for the
material and spiritual
needs of the family.
Wear black hats, long trousers and long sleeve shirts
with buttons. Chains, rings,
wrist-watches, shorts, T-shirts,
caps and ties are forbidden.
Live without a radio, T.V and
their clothing is neves out of
fashion. They consider as a
corrupting influences
Men's hats are left
hanging on the temple
Women sit on the left
side of the church, and
men take a sit on the
right-hand side.
They starts with
three songs sung a
Spiritual life
Avoid alcoholic drinks,
cigarretes and another
drugs. Entertaiments such as
sports, movies, betting,
literature, music and dance
Strict adherence to the
norms of the Bible
The family is
the center of
the community
During courtship, the young
couple cannot have any kind
of physical contact.
They have their own schools.
Each congregationhas its
own school but none of
them is approved by the
A few young
Mennonites aspire to a
University degree.