Chemical components of the cell


Cristal Aimeé Jiménez García
Mind Map by Cristal Aimeé Jiménez García, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Lau Ibañez
Created by Lau Ibañez over 9 years ago
Cristal Aimeé Jiménez García
Copied by Cristal Aimeé Jiménez García over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Chemical components of the cell
  1. Living cells compound of atoms
    1. Atoms have core with neutrons and protons(+) surrounded electron
      1. The number of electrons in an atom = number of protons of the core
    2. Living cells are composed of C.,H,O,N
      1. Living organisms contain sugars, aminoacids, fatty acids and nucleotides
        1. Sugars are a primary source of chemical energy for cells.
          1. Principal function: store energy
            1. glucolisis
              1. citric acid cycle
                1. photosyntesis
                2. Examples:
                  1. monosacharides
                    1. glucose
                    2. polisacharides
                      1. oligosacharides
                    3. Fatt acids are important to formation of cell membranes
                      1. hydrophobic region and carboxilic acid
                        1. phospholypids
                          1. bilayer
                        2. Nucleotides are important for energy transfer (RNA, DNA)
                          1. C, A, T, G, U
                            1. nytrogen cycle
                            2. Protein molecules (RNA / DNA) are synthesized by condensation repetitive reactions
                              1. aminoacids
                                1. alpha helix, beta sheets
                            3. Molecule: two or more atoms joined by chemical bonds
                              1. Ionic bond: the atom gives up electrons to another. Its a type of electrostatic attraction
                                1. Covalent bond: two atoms share an electron pair. Different binding strength
                                  1. Polar covalent bond: When the electron pair is shared unequally
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