Mind map about research instruments
like observations
Observation is a fundamental element of any research process; the researcher relies on it to obtain the
greatest number of data. Observation is a fundamental element of any research process; the researcher
relies on it to obtain the greatest number of data.
It implies that the object or situation to be observed, how it will be observed and at what times, must
be determined based on a previously formulated hypothesis or assumption.
Conducting an observation
First step: observe a phenomenon. It consists of studying a phenomenon and analyzing the doubts that
arise around it.
Second step: formulate a hypothesis. It consists of the hypothesis or answer to the question that will
allow to find the cause of the phenomenon. The hypothesis is a possible answer that after investigation
can be affirmed or refuted.
Third step: plan the study methodology. It consists of establishing a series of ordered steps to analyze
the object or situation, so that the study methodology can be repeated to corroborate the results.
Step four: collect data. It consists of recording the data, both qualitative and quantitative, that are
obtained during the research process and that provide results.
Fifth step: check or refute the hypothesis. It consists of drawing a conclusion based on the results,
which will affirm or reject the initial thesis.
Step six: disseminate the results. It consists of publishing the findings in a dissemination channel
validated and recognized by the scientific community, which will support the research. All scientific
research work must be validated and then made public.
It cannot be applied in large populations or for too long periods of time because it requires the
presence of an observer at a certain time.
It is subject to certain subjectivity or bias on the part of the observer, because each person perceives
reality differently.
Data Analysis
Scientific observation has the ability to describe and explain behavior, having obtained adequate and
reliable data corresponding to behaviors, events and / or situations perfectly identified and inserted in
a theoretical context.
unsystematic observation: This observation consists of a direct verification, without any explicit
objective and without being perfectly defined, without a specific order or planning. They are direct
written narratives or data collected in a haphazard way.
semi-systematic observation: in this the objectives of the registry are set a priori; They need to plan the
order and time, it is necessary to specify the antecedent behavior or event, the observed nucleus and
the subsequent behavior or event, but the behaviors to be observed are not categorized.
Systematic observation: they try to group the information based on certain previously established
criteria or based on these records. It requires categorizing facts, behaviors and / or events to be