Future perfect


Segundo Ingles Mind Map on Future perfect, created by David Paredes on 17/12/2021.
David Paredes
Mind Map by David Paredes, updated more than 1 year ago
David Paredes
Created by David Paredes about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Future perfect
  1. It is used for verbs or states that will end at some point in the future.
    1. It is usually accompanied by the preposition "par" (para / para) or the adverbial expression "by the time" (para cuando).
      1. It can also be used to indicate an assumption.
        1. Its estructure in affirmative is: Subject+Will+ Have+Past Participe+Complement
          1. Examples: 1. I'll have played soccer. 2. I'll have studied for the exam 3.I'll be finished cooking when you arrive
            1. It is used to show that something will continue until another action in the future.
              1. It is also used for actions that will have already been completed before another in the future.
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