Airbnb value chain map


Mapa de la cadena de valor de Airbnb, creado como tarea del curso Marketing Estratégico.
Liliana Paola Martinez Morales
Mind Map by Liliana Paola Martinez Morales, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
MedSpock Med
Created by MedSpock Med over 5 years ago
Liliana Paola Martinez Morales
Copied by Liliana Paola Martinez Morales about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Airbnb value chain map
  1. external logistics
    1. online platform
      1. innovative service
        1. use of social networks
          1. Greater adaptation for young people
            1. Greater adaptation for young people
            2. easy search system
              1. high information management
                1. critic system
                  1. greater security
              2. technology development
                1. market research
                  1. review of processes
                    1. best filters
                      1. search engines
                  2. marketing and sales
                    1. satisfies demands
                      1. hosts as guides
                        1. resource generation for hosts
                          1. accommodation for all tastes
                            1. typical places
                            2. different experiences
                              1. adventure search
                              2. genuine experiences
                                1. host like a local
                              3. cost-benefit
                                1. lower value compared to other hotels
                                  1. convenient locations
                                    1. high comfort
                                      1. greater flexibility than other hotels
                                        1. Schedule check-in
                                          1. Schedule check-out
                                            1. Services
                                          2. Host / tenant relationship
                                            1. lead generation
                                              1. treatment can be more cordial
                                                1. hosts as guides
                                                  1. feel like home"
                                              2. internal logistics
                                                1. registered tenants
                                                  1. registered hosts
                                                  2. operations
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                                                    INGENIERIA DE MATERIALES
                                                    Ricardo Álvarez
                                                    Elementos Básicos de Ingeniería Ambiental
                                                    Evilus Rada
                                                    Historia de la Ingeniería
                                                    Camila González
                                                    Introducción a la Ingeniería de Software
                                                    David Pacheco Ji
                                                    UNIDAD II DIBUJO PROYECTIVO
                                                    GENERALIDADES DE LAS EDIFICACIONES
                                                    MAPA MENTAL SOFTWARE APLICADOS EN INGENIERÍA CIVIL
                                                    Ruben Dario Acosta P
                                                    Estado de la ingenería mecánica y su perspectiva a futuro
                                                    Roberto Martinez
                                                    MAPA CONCEPTUAL SOBRE LA INICIATIVA CDIO
                                                    Victor Antonio Rodriguez Castañeda
                                                    Características de la Pitahaya y su potencial de uso en la industria alimentaria
                                                    Héctor Infanzón
                                                    las conicas en la vida cotidiana
                                                    Arturo Rosales