Past simple, past continuous and used to


Cambridge English: First (FCE) ingles (Gramática) Mind Map on Past simple, past continuous and used to, created by silviaperez on 12/11/2013.
Mind Map by silviaperez, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by silviaperez over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Past simple, past continuous and used to
  1. Past simple
    1. actions or events in the past, often which happened one after the other
      1. As soon as Mandy got the message, she jumpled into her car and drove to the station
    2. Past continous
      1. activity that started before and continued until an event in the past
        1. I met this girl, while we were walking round one of the museums
        2. activity that started before and continued after an event in the past
          1. We stayed in this hostel with young people who were doing the same sort of thing as us
        3. Used to
          1. Situations or states in the past which are not true now
            1. My mother used to be a climber and when she was younger
            2. Repeated activities or habits in the past which do not happen now
              1. When I was a child, I always used to go to the dam
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