Global warming and climate change_1


Clil mind map of global warming
Skadi Lofn
Mind Map by Skadi Lofn, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Skadi Lofn
Created by Skadi Lofn about 9 years ago
Skadi Lofn
Copied by Skadi Lofn about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Global warming and climate change_1
  1. Culture
    1. What will happen if global warming continues?
      1. Impact of climate change in different countries
      2. Content
        1. Influence of human activities
          1. Concepts of
            1. Climate
              1. Climate change
              2. Global warming
                1. Green house effect
                2. Causes-effects
                  2. Solutions of climate change
                    1. Contrast pictures
                    2. Cognition
                      1. Creating/designing a poster of the consequences of global warming if it does not change (use of first conditional)
                        1. Understanding causes and effects
                          1. Identifying the concepts of global warming/climate change
                            1. Proposing posible solutions for global warming and climate change
                            2. Communication
                              1. Language of learning
                                1. Vocabulary
                                  1. Modal verbs
                                    1. Should
                                      1. Can-could
                                      2. First conditional
                                      3. Language for learning
                                        1. Language skills such as
                                          1. Future
                                            1. first conditional
                                              1. Prewriting skills
                                                1. Brainstorming
                                                  1. Revising
                                              2. Language through learning
                                                1. Strategies for building vocabulary
                                                  1. Express cause-effect
                                                    1. Predicting
                                                      1. Compare and contrast
                                                        1. Dictionary skills
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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