

Mind Map on Neolithic, created by Antso Vidondo Aguirrebalzategui on 21/03/2022.
Antso Vidondo Aguirrebalzategui
Mind Map by Antso Vidondo Aguirrebalzategui, updated more than 1 year ago
Antso Vidondo Aguirrebalzategui
Created by Antso Vidondo Aguirrebalzategui over 2 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Period
    1. 10000 - 7000 years ago.
      1. Neolithic revolution.
        1. Social/Economic changes
    2. Changes
      1. Started
        1. Agriculture
          1. Main crops
            1. Corn/potatoes
              1. America
              2. Rice
                1. Asia
                2. Wheat
                  1. Europe
              3. Livestock farming
                1. Such as
                  1. Sheep
                    1. Oxen
                      1. Horses
                          1. Goats
                    2. Social changes
                      1. Settlements
                        1. Near rivers
                          1. Specialised works.
                      2. Technical changes
                        1. They invented
                          1. Loom
                            1. Pottery
                          2. Art and belives
                            1. Believed natural forces
                              1. Fertility cults/Godesses
                                1. Godesses will give..
                                  1. Good harvests
                              2. Buried deads
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