Types of Fertilizers


Mind Map on Types of Fertilizers, created by Luis José Hanser Barrera on 19/04/2022.
Luis José Hanser Barrera
Mind Map by Luis José Hanser Barrera, updated more than 1 year ago
Luis José Hanser Barrera
Created by Luis José Hanser Barrera over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Types of Fertilizers
  1. Worm casting
    1. contain live enzymes and nutrient
      1. encourage microbial activity in the soil.
      2. Cow manure
        1. contains nutrients and live bacteria
          1. Added 30 days before planting
          2. Chicken manure
            1. high in nitrogen
              1. contains potassium
                1. contains phosphorus
                2. Fish fertilizer
                  1. made from bones and skin
                    1. provide burn free nitrogen
                    2. Hot compost
                      1. made with geen and Brown materials
                        1. adds nutrients
                        2. Green Compost
                          1. made from Green grass
                            1. Add nutrients to the soil
                            2. Coffe grounds
                              1. add organic material to the soil
                                1. improve water retention
                                2. Egg shells
                                  1. natural pest deterrent
                                    1. neutralize ph balance in the soil
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