English - Second Year


Mind Map on English - Second Year, created by Noelia Pippi on 22/04/2022.
Noelia Pippi
Mind Map by Noelia Pippi, updated more than 1 year ago
Noelia Pippi
Created by Noelia Pippi over 2 years ago

Resource summary

English - Second Year
  1. Who are you?
    1. What do you generally do?
      1. What are your interests and hobbies? (unit 1)
        1. Have you got a routine? What is it like? (unit 1)
          1. Do you go to school? What's your school like? (unit 5)
          2. How can you describe yourself?
            1. Considering physical appearance (unit 4)
              1. Considering personality (unit 4)
              2. How healthy is your lifestyle?
                1. How healthy is Argentinian diet, compared to other countries?
                  1. How important is doing physical activity for our health? (unit 6)
                2. How do you get on with people you know?
                  1. Who are they?
                    1. How do you describe them? (considering physical appearance and personality) - unit 4
                      1. What do they do as a living? (unit 3)
                        1. How much does education influence their life? (unit 5)
                      2. How much do you care about the place where you live?
                        1. How can you protect the environment? (unit 8)
                          1. How different is the landscape in different parts of the world?
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