Ask was created the 3/6/1996 in California, USA, by
David Warthen Garrett Gruener
Ask uses a similar technique to
The countries which use the most are: USA,, UK Germany and Canada. Source:
Google was created the 4/9/1998 in California, USA. It was created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
With the results that the user writes on the search bar, Google uses a trademarked algorithm called
PageRank, which assigns each Web page a relevancy score.
The countries which uses google the most are USA India, Brazil, and UK. Source:
Bing was created the 3/6/2009 in California USA, by Microsoft.
Bing combines a page's relevancy along with its click distance
The countries which use bing the most are China, USA, Japan, Germany and France. Source:
Gigablast was created in 2000 in USA by Matt Wells
Gigablast has indexed over 12 billion web pages, in which you write on the search bar the information and appear on of that web pages
The countries which use gigablast the most are: USA, India, China and Cambodia.