Unit 01


Unit 1 B
Beatriz Nogueira Xav
Mind Map by Beatriz Nogueira Xav, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Beatriz Nogueira Xav
Created by Beatriz Nogueira Xav over 9 years ago
Beatriz Nogueira Xav
Copied by Beatriz Nogueira Xav over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 01
  1. Computer Science
    1. Spotlight
      1. Grammar
        1. Present Simples
          1. Afirmative
            1. He, She ,It =verb+s Shes like grape.
              1. I,You,We,They = verb I like grpe
              2. Negative
                1. He,She,It=Does+Not(doesn`t)+verb She Doesn`t like grape
                  1. I,you,We,They=Do+Not(doesn`t)+verb I don`t grape
                  2. yes/no questions
                    1. He,She,it=does+she+like+grape? does she like gripe?
                      1. I,You,we,They = Do+ you+ like+ grape? Do you like grape?
                      2. W Questions
                        1. He,She,It =Whi+does+she+stdy+English? W Quest. V Aux.Subj. verb + ..?
                          1. I,You,We,they Whi+do+you+study+english? W Quest. V . Aux. Verb + ...?
                          2. Habits ;Habito Routines ;Rotina
                        2. Reading
                          1. Computer science is the Science that studies the technigues, methodolog amd computational tool ,which automates processes and develops solutions based on the use of digital processing
                          2. vocabulary
                            1. Vocabulary Is encording all or selection of word of a language
                            2. Brands
                                    1. Love inspiration
                                    2. Idioms
                                      1. Act your Age =nao seja infantil
                                      2. Listening
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