Unit 02


Beatriz Nogueira Xav
Mind Map by Beatriz Nogueira Xav, updated more than 1 year ago
Beatriz Nogueira Xav
Created by Beatriz Nogueira Xav over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 02
  1. Marketing
    1. Spotliht
      1. Brainstorm
        1. Brazuca
          1. Name of official match ball decided by Brazilian fans
          2. Fifa world cup website
          3. Reading
            1. Fifa world cup website
              1. Reading comprehension
                1. On the site shows various Information like news is etc...
                2. Adidas Brazuca
              2. Vocabulary
                1. Marketing Vocabulary
                2. Brands
                  1. Shell
                    1. Nesquik
                      1. Idiom
                        1. Come up whith
                        2. Listening
                          1. Find your greatness
                            1. Dare to be Brazilian
                              1. Samba collection
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