
Agustín Nahuel A3111
Mind Map by Agustín Nahuel A3111, updated more than 1 year ago
Agustín Nahuel A3111
Created by Agustín Nahuel A3111 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Make is used for Creating, Producing, and Task you choose to do.
    1. I use Make for CREATE something. Example: I make the Breakfast every morning.
      1. I use Make for PRODUCING something. Example: I Make a phone call to my boyfriend every night.
        1. I use Make for TASK YOU CHOOSE TO DO. Example: I make my travel to work every day in Transmilenio.
        2. Do is used for Actions
          1. I use Do for ACTIONS. Example: I Do exercises everyday to improve my English.
            1. I use Do for OBLIGATIONS. Example: I have to Do my work every day in the office
              1. I use Do for REPETITIVE TASKS. Example: I Do my homework every night, because always I have so much task to do.
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