
Mind Map on LEARNING STYLES, created by Morelia Poleth Acosta Fuertes on 26/06/2022.
Morelia Poleth Acosta Fuertes
Mind Map by Morelia Poleth Acosta Fuertes, updated more than 1 year ago
Morelia Poleth Acosta Fuertes
Created by Morelia Poleth Acosta Fuertes over 2 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Students learn best when they can listen to they can hear the information verbally verbally as in music, drama or in groups. groups.
      1. They pay more attention to to what the teacher narrates.
        1. They can skillfully repeat and remember what someone else says in a lecture or class.
          1. They do well on oral exams.
            1. They like to study with music and you can remember facts and people with it.
            2. VISUAL
              1. Visual students learn more through learn more through pictures, maps, drawings colors to better retain information. information better.
                1. They are more observers
                  1. Easier to remember images and remembering images and videos.
                    1. They cannot easily recall information easily. information.
                      1. They have a great imagination and a inclination towards the arts.
                      2. KINESTÉSICO
                        1. They like to use movement and touch to help with their learning. learning.
                          1. They learn by doing activities activities using their hands. hands.
                            1. They like to perform experiments in laboratories
                              1. They like to use fidget toys for greater concentration.
                                1. You have the need to express yourself bodily.
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