unit 1_1


enp 5,unidad 1 ingles v
Mind Map by luiginr, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by luiginr about 9 years ago
Copied by luiginr about 9 years ago

Resource summary

unit 1_1


  1. word order in questions
    1. who
      1. person
      2. when
        1. time,moment
        2. what
          1. specific thing,object
          2. how
            1. way,manner,form
            2. where
              1. psition,place
              2. why
                1. reason
              3. Present simple
                1. Forms(orations)
                  1. subject+verb+complement
                    1. subject+do/does+not+verb+complement
                      1. do/does+subject+verb+complemen+?
                      2. uses
                        1. routines
                            1. hobbies
                              1. facts
                                1. general truths
                                2. Adverbs of frecuency
                                3. Present continuos
                                  1. forms
                                    1. to be+subj+ing+c+?
                                      1. are you mother shopping in town?
                                      2. subj+tobe+arent/isnt+verb ing+c
                                        1. she isnt living with her parents
                                        2. subject+to be+verb ing+c
                                          1. im playing in the park
                                        3. preposition of place
                                          1. Example:the cat is sitting on the box
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