1.3 Organisational Objectives


Mind map
Mind Map by marupena8, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by marupena8 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

1.3 Organisational Objectives
  1. Vision
    1. Long Term Aims and Highest aspirations of a business
      1. Aims
        1. Long term goals (what it wants to achieve in the future)
        2. SMART
          1. S
            1. Specific
              1. Objective clear and well defined
            2. M
              1. Measurable
                1. Measure to see if it has been achieved or not
              2. A
                1. Achievable
                  1. Realistic
                2. R
                  1. Relevant
                    1. need to have a use
                  2. T
                    1. Time-Specific
                      1. to have a time frame
                3. Mission
                  1. Intermediate step on the way to the vision (accomplishing small objectives to achieve the mission, and then the vision).
                    1. Objectives
                      1. Medium to Short term goals (small steps to achieve the aims)
                        1. Types of Objectives
                          1. Strategic
                            1. Medium to long term
                              1. SWOT
                                1. Strenghts
                                  1. Internal
                                  2. Opportunities
                                    1. External
                                    2. Weaknesses
                                      1. Internal
                                      2. Threats
                                        1. External
                                    3. Tactical
                                      1. Medium to short term
                                      2. Operational
                                        1. Day to day
                                      3. Can change because of
                                        1. Internal Environments
                                          1. Changes inside the business
                                            1. Include
                                              1. ·Change of leadership, Hr, Organisation, Product, Finance, Operations, social, technological, economic, ethical, political, legal and ecological
                                          2. External Environments
                                            1. Changes outside the business
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