Ethics concept map


ethics es dies
Iker Muñozcano
Mind Map by Iker Muñozcano, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by dichacho almost 9 years ago
dafna  Revach
Copied by dafna Revach almost 9 years ago
Iker Muñozcano
Copied by Iker Muñozcano almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Ethics concept map
  1. Law Theories
    1. Supero Natural
      1. A belief based on faith
      2. Natural
        1. Descriptive
      3. Morality
        1. Meaning customs or manners
          1. Morality and Nature
            1. Describes a form of morality that is based on how humans evolved
            2. Is the disjunction between right and wrong
              1. Individual morality
                1. The pursuit of self - interest
                2. Social morality
                  1. How moral thinking in interaction with other psychosocial determinates govern indivudual moral conduct
                3. Relgious morality
                  1. Relationship between religious views and moral views
                  2. Relationship between human beings
                  3. Dafna Revach
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