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Material Properties


Unit 2: materials. -Properties of materials. -Processed materials.
Marco Calavia  León
Mind Map by Marco Calavia León, updated 12 days ago
Marco Calavia  León
Created by Marco Calavia León about 2 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Material Properties
  1. Visual properties
    1. Opaque
      1. Wood
      2. Translucid
        1. Translucid glass
        2. Transparent
          1. Glass
        3. Thermal properties
          1. Thermal conductivity
            1. Metal
            2. Fusibility
              1. Iron
              2. Weldabllity
                1. Plastic
              3. Electrical Properties
                1. Electrical insulator
                  1. Plastic
                  2. Electrical conductor
                    1. Copper
                  3. Mechanical properties
                    1. Elasticity
                      1. A t-shirt
                      2. Plasticity
                        1. Playdough
                        2. Hardness
                          1. Hard
                            1. Diamond
                            2. Soft
                              1. Clay
                            3. Toughness and fragility
                              1. Glass is fragile
                                1. Rock is tough
                                2. Mechanical Resistance
                                  1. A chair is resistant because when we sit it doesn't break
                                3. Chemical properties
                                  1. Oxidation
                                    1. Oxidize
                                      1. Iron
                                      2. Stainless
                                        1. Brass
                                      3. Permeability
                                        1. Permeable
                                          1. Paper
                                          2. impermeable
                                            1. Bottles
                                          3. Porosity
                                          4. Manufacturing properties
                                            1. Ductility
                                              1. Ductile
                                                1. Copper
                                                2. Non-ductile
                                                  1. Wood
                                                3. Maleabllity
                                                  1. Maleable
                                                    1. Slate
                                                    2. Non maleable
                                                      1. Copper
                                                  2. Ecological propeties
                                                    1. Biodegradability
                                                      1. Non-biodegradable
                                                        1. Non-biodegradalbe plastic
                                                        2. Biodegradable
                                                          1. paper
                                                        3. Reciclability
                                                          1. Cardboard
                                                          2. Toxicity
                                                            1. Mecury
                                                          3. Economic properties
                                                            1. Price
                                                              1. Cheap
                                                                1. Paper
                                                                2. Expensive
                                                                  1. Gold
                                                              2. Density
                                                                1. Density is Mass divided by volume
                                                                2. Magnetism
                                                                  1. Some metals
                                                                  2. Acustic conductibity
                                                                    1. Bronze: acustic conductor
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