Advantages of learning English


Mind Map on Advantages of learning English, created by C. Silva on 09/05/2023.
C. Silva
Mind Map by C. Silva, updated more than 1 year ago
C. Silva
Created by C. Silva almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Advantages of learning English
    1. English is a competitive advantage in the labor market. Presently, knowing English is no more a preferential requirement, it is rather an essential element to obtain a job. This happens because the employers believe this language is an advantage to interpret, translate and communicate with customers and business partners, for instance in the international market. Having English proficiency is therefore a key element to become more competitive as it increases the chances of obtaining a job, either in Portugal or abroad, also improving a professional career.
      1. Besides the advantages of the English language for doing business with the international market, English is also crucial for attending international conferences and exhibitions where new businesses are discussed and promoted, permitting new partnerships in the international market.
      2. Travel and Tourism
        1. Being fluent in English is essential when someone decides to travel, either for emigration, tourism or business reasons. When we travel to another country, even if we can’t speak the native language of that country, we will not have many difficulties as long as we can speak English. Why does this happen?  English is the most spoken language in the world. About 1 person in 5 understand or speak English. Therefore, meeting someone who speaks English and will be able to communicate with you is very common.  The main holiday destinations – even in countries where the first language is not English – frequently adopt English as the language of communication with tourists.  English will make your life easier in a foreign country because most of the indications and instructions are in English. Thus, it will be easier to explore the unknown, even to contact locals in English in order to ask for indications, directions, suggestions, etc.  A person who is fluent in English will have no
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