Catholic population in the world


Crecimiento de población católica en el mundo con respecto a los continentes.
Mind Map by lauraba_fa15, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by DiCAvDi almost 9 years ago
Copied by lauraba_fa15 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Catholic population in the world
    1. 49% Catholic people
      1. Catotholicism Increase
        1. believers countries
          1. Latin American Pope
        2. EUROPE
          1. 22.9% Catholic people
            1. Catholicism Decrease
              1. Critical thinking
                1. Countries that are no longer believers
                  1. Amsterdam
                    1. Czech Republic
                      1. Prague
                      2. Scientific thinking
                        1. Medicine development
                          1. Stem cells
                            1. Transplants
                      3. AFRICA
                        1. 16,4% Catholic people
                          1. Catholicism Increase
                            1. Social probelms
                              1. Guerrilla
                                1. Disease
                                  1. Malnutrition
                                    1. Poverty
                                      1. Overpopulation
                                      2. New cultures
                                        1. Helps of ONG
                                      3. ASIA
                                        1. 10.9% Catholic people
                                          1. Catholicism increase
                                            1. Departure from old customs
                                              1. Removing dynasties
                                                1. Polytheism
                                                2. Crisis time
                                                  1. Search of spirituality
                                                    1. Pope visit
                                                  2. OCEANIA
                                                    1. 0.8% Catholic people
                                                      1. Catholicism Decrease
                                                        1. New religions
                                                          1. Scientology
                                                            1. Dianetics
                                                              1. OSHO
                                                                1. "Pastafarismo"
                                                                  1. New Age
                                                                    1. Discordianism
                                                                    2. Young freethinkers
                                                                      1. Deism
                                                                        1. Agnosticism
                                                                          1. Enlightenment
                                                                      2. Population density: 1254 millions.
                                                                        1. General characteristics
                                                                          1. Thinking based on the bible
                                                                            1. Creed
                                                                              1. Hierarchy of leaders
                                                                                1. Pope, cardinals, bishops, priests and people
                                                                                2. Holy Trinity
                                                                                  1. Father
                                                                                    1. Son
                                                                                      1. Holy Spirit
                                                                                      2. Sacrament
                                                                                        1. Baptism
                                                                                          1. Communion
                                                                                            1. Confessión
                                                                                              1. Matrimonio
                                                                                              2. Commands
                                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                                              Elementos de la religion catolica
                                                                                              Alejandra Gamboa
                                                                                              Origen y Esencia de la Religión
                                                                                              Jesús Torres
                                                                                              RELIGION ISLAMICA
                                                                                              La Religión grecoromana
                                                                                              EVALUACIÓN INICIAL 5º PRIMARIA- RELIGIÓN CATÓLICA
                                                                                              El hombre frente a Dios
                                                                                              Eduardo Cattaneo
                                                                                              TEORÍA DEL CREACIONISMO COMO ORIGEN DE LA VIDA
                                                                                              Karla Granadillo
                                                                                              CLASIFICACION DE LOS MILAGROS DE JESÚS
                                                                                              Mauro Fierro
                                                                                              TEST DE CONOCIMIENTOS PREVIOS RELI1ESO
                                                                                              DIOSES GRIEGOS
                                                                                              Javier Blanco Lajo