Unit 5


Vocabulary from the SpeakOut Advanced Student's Book Unit 5
Daniel Camacho López
Mind Map by Daniel Camacho López, updated more than 1 year ago
Daniel Camacho López
Created by Daniel Camacho López over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 5
  1. Multi-word verbs
    1. Meaning
      1. Increase or improve
        1. Speed up, brighten up, jazz up
        2. Continue
          1. Go on, carry on, keep on
          2. Cancel or end something
            1. Pension off, cry off, call off, switch off
            2. Be in the open
              1. Find out, speak out, stand out, call out
              2. Decrease
                1. Slow down, narrow down, crack down
                2. Removal
                  1. Put away, blow away, take away
                  2. Return (to the past)
                    1. Bring back, think back, look back, cast your mind back
                    2. With no direction
                      1. Mess around, stand around, hang around
                      2. Think or talk about
                        1. Mull over, pore over, look over, think over
                    3. Idioms: Secrets
                      1. Keep as a secret
                        1. Keep themselves to themselves
                          1. Behind closed doors
                            1. Stay schtum
                            2. Reveal
                              1. Let it slip
                                1. Spill the beans
                                  1. Let the cat out of the bag
                                    1. Give the game away
                                  2. Truth or Myth
                                    1. True
                                      1. Uncover the Truth
                                        1. Verify
                                          1. Debunk a Myth
                                            1. Disprove a Myth
                                            2. Myth
                                              1. Conventional Wisdom
                                                1. A Commonly Held Perception
                                                  1. A Fallacy
                                                    1. Intuitively True
                                                  2. Time Phrases
                                                    1. As soon as
                                                      1. The moment
                                                        1. Meanwhile
                                                          1. Ever since
                                                            1. Afterwards
                                                              1. After
                                                                1. Originally
                                                                  1. While
                                                                    1. Instantly
                                                                      1. Previously
                                                                        1. Eventually
                                                                          1. Subsequently
                                                                            1. Immediatly
                                                                              1. In the meantime
                                                                                1. From then on
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