Google Adwords


Google Adwords Benefits
GoConqr Team-Liliana
Mind Map by GoConqr Team-Liliana, updated more than 1 year ago
GoConqr Team-Liliana
Created by GoConqr Team-Liliana over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Google Adwords
  1. Benefits
    1. 2. Control Costs
      1. You control how much to spend
        1. You only pay when someone clicks your ad
        2. 1. Target your audience ( reach people with specific interests )
          1. Devices
            1. Days, times, Frequency
              1. Age, Location, Language
                1. AdLocation
                  1. Keywords
                  2. Reach potential customers
                    1. Using multiple devices
                    2. Show ads to relevant audience
                      1. Right time
                        1. Right place
                          1. Right people
                          2. 3. Measure Success
                            1. See which ads get clicks and which ones don’t,
                              1. Get valuable data (how much it cost
                                1. Analytical tools: Customer shopping habits
                                2. 4. Manage your campaigns
                                  1. Multiple Accounts
                                    1. My Client Center (MCC)
                                      1. Save time
                                        1. manage all of your AdWords accounts from a single location
                                      2. Adwords account offline (free)
                                        1. manage, edit, and view multiple accounts at the same time (offline) and later update it
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