
Andres Nicolas M2488
Mind Map by Andres Nicolas M2488, updated more than 1 year ago
Andres Nicolas M2488
Created by Andres Nicolas M2488 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. standard
    1. allowed
      1. PHP
        1. JavaScript
        2. The objective is
          1. standard
            1. and compatibility
              1. with
                1. devices
                  1. applications
                    1. browsers
                2. easy
                  1. the programmer
                  2. create
                    1. modify
                      1. web documents
                        1. design
                          1. css
                      2. includes
                        1. specific applications
                          1. interfaces (APIs)
                            1. new browser-based graphics
                              1. geolocation
                                1. local storage
                                  1. video capabilities
                              2. embraced
                                1. the social networking
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