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Estudi de les eines amb anglès i català
Paula Barco
Mind Map by Paula Barco, updated more than 1 year ago
Paula Barco
Created by Paula Barco over 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

    1. Coping saw
      1. Serra de marqueteria
      2. Handsaw
        1. Xerrac
        2. Hacksaw
          1. Serra d´arquet
          2. Tenon saw
            1. Xerrac de beina
            2. Shears
              1. Tissores de planxa
              2. Wire stripping pilers
                1. Alicates pela fils
              3. HOLDING
                1. Round nose piler
                  1. Alicates de boca rodona
                  2. Bench vise
                    1. Cargol de banc
                    2. Pilers
                      1. Alicates universals
                      2. Needle nose pilers
                        1. Alicates de boca plana
                        2. G-Clamp
                          1. Serjant de marqueteria
                          2. Clamp
                            1. Serjant
                          3. FILLING
                            1. Rasp
                              1. Raspa
                              2. Half round file
                                1. Llima de mitja canya
                                2. Pillar file
                                  1. Llima plana
                                  2. Square file
                                    1. Llima quadrada
                                    2. Round file
                                      1. Llima rodona
                                      2. Three square file
                                        1. Llima triangular
                                      3. DRILLING
                                        1. Drill
                                          1. Trepant o taladro
                                          2. Pilar drill
                                            1. Trepant de sobretaula
                                            2. Gimlet
                                              1. Barrina
                                              2. Brace
                                                1. Filaberquí
                                              3. MEASURING AND MARKING
                                                1. Measuring tape
                                                  1. Sinta metrica
                                                  2. Vernier caliper
                                                    1. Peu de rei
                                                    2. Compass
                                                      1. Compas
                                                      2. Ruler
                                                        1. Regle
                                                        2. Set square
                                                          1. Escaire
                                                        3. SCREWING
                                                          1. Flat head screwdriver
                                                            1. Tornvis de boca plana
                                                            2. Wrench
                                                              1. Clau fixa
                                                              2. Adjustable wrench
                                                                1. Clau anglesa
                                                                2. Philips screwdriver
                                                                  1. Tornavis d´estrella
                                                                  2. Allen wrench
                                                                    1. Clau allen
                                                                  3. PERCUTION
                                                                    1. Nylon mallet
                                                                      1. Maça de niló
                                                                      2. Claw hummer
                                                                        1. Martell d´orelles
                                                                        2. Ball peen hammer
                                                                          1. Martell de bola
                                                                          2. Hammer
                                                                            1. Martell de pera
                                                                            2. Rubber mallet
                                                                              1. Martell de goma
                                                                              2. Club hammer
                                                                                1. Maça de paleta
                                                                              3. PROTECTION
                                                                                1. Gloves
                                                                                  1. Guants
                                                                                  2. Goggles
                                                                                    1. Ulleres
                                                                                    2. Ear muffs
                                                                                      1. Orelleres
                                                                                      2. Apron
                                                                                        1. Davantal
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