nutrition in moneras and protist


Mind Map on nutrition in moneras and protist, created by Jennyfer Ramos on 04/12/2013.
Jennyfer Ramos
Mind Map by Jennyfer Ramos, updated more than 1 year ago
Jennyfer Ramos
Created by Jennyfer Ramos almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

nutrition in moneras and protist
    1. Are able to synthesize their own organic food from inorganic substances
      1. They use CO2 for obtaing carbon and utilise some substances as the resource oh hydrogen to reduce carbon
        1. this subtances could be
          1. hidrogen sulphide (H2S)
            1. ammonia (NH3)
          2. There are two types
            1. Photoautotrophic
              1. Posses photosynthetic pigments in membrane and utilise solar energy
                1. CO2 + H2S ---- sugar + sulphur + water
              2. Chemosyntethic
                1. Manofacture organic compounds from inorganic raw materials utilising energy liberated from the oxidation of inorganic substances
                  1. could be
                    1. nitrifying
                      1. sulphur
                        1. iron
                2. HETEROTROPHIC
                  1. Are unable to manufacture their own organic food and hence are dependent on external source
                    1. Saprophytic Bacteria
                      1. These bacteria obtain their nutritional requirements from dead organic matter
                        1. These bacteria have a significant role in the ecosystem, functioning as decomposers.
                      2. symbiotic bacteria
                        1. bacteria which live in a mutually beneficial association with other organisms. bacteria derive nutrients from their host and in that process help the host through of their biological activities
                        2. parasitic bacteria
                          1. These are bacteria which occur in the body of animals and plants, obtaining their organic food from there. Most of these bacteria are pathogenic, causing serious diseases in the host organisms either by exploiting them or by releasing poisonous secretions called toxins.
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