Crude Oil


Mind Map on Crude Oil, created by AndresNava21 on 31/01/2016.
Mind Map by AndresNava21, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by AndresNava21 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Crude Oil
  1. Extraction
    1. Products
      1. Process
        1. Process
          1. Fractional distillation
            1. The crude oil is evaporated because it has different boiling points, so its vapours allowed to condense at different temperatures in the fractionating column. Each fraction contains hydrocarbon molecules with a similar number of carbon atoms anddifferent properties
            2. Conversion processes / Cracking
              1. Takes the long carbon chains of heavy gas oil and breaks them into shorter-chain hydrocarbons.
                1. Hydrocracking
                  1. Fluid catalyst
                2. Treatment
                  1. is a process designed to increase the volume of gasoline that can be produced from a barrel of crude oil.
                    1. Gasoline’s octane rating measures its resistance to “engine knock.” Gasoline vapor heats up as the cylinder compresses it; if it heats up too quickly.
                    2. Formulation and mixing
                      1. Additional hydrogen formed by the catalytic reactors is recovered and put to use in subsequent reforming and in other processes throughout the refinery.
                    3. Extraction
                      1. Location
                        1. Engineers recollect above-ground information using airplanes and satellites to map the surface, to identify promising geological formations.
                          1. They look for certain kind of rocks that may contain under some bags of Oil and natural gas.
                          2. Drilling
                            1. Types
                              1. Drill Ship
                                1. Jackup Drill Rigs
                                  1. Slim Hole Drilling Rig
                                    1. Semi-Submersible Rigs
                                      1. Coiled Tubing Drill Rig
                                        1. Land Based Drilling Rigs
                                        2. It's how a ring goes under the water or soil with a big rock smasher head, then a tube extracts all the oil.
                                        3. Extraction & transportation
                                          1. There are three phases of extraction:
                                            1. Primary recovery
                                              1. The underground pressure drive fluids to the surface. When the pressure falls, artificial lift technologies, such as pumps, are used help bring more fluids to the surface. In this action only 10% of the Oil is extracted .
                                              2. Secondary recovery
                                                1. Water that is produced and separated from the oil in the initial phase of drilling is injected back into the oil-bearing formation to bring more oil to the surface. In this action only the 30% of the Oil is extracted.
                                                2. Enhanced recovery
                                                  1. These are the three techniques used to extrac 60% of the Crude Oil
                                                    1. Thermal
                                                      1. They inject steam in the Oil bag. The heat from the steam makes the oil flow more easily, and the increased pressure forces it to the surface.
                                                      2. Gas injection
                                                        1. They inject propane, methane or other gasses in the oil to lower its viscosity and increase flow.
                                                        2. Chemical
                                                          1. water-soluble polymers with water and injecting the mixture into the field. The water pushes the oil out of the formation.
                                                3. Products
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