Characteristics: • usually classroom based • reader is intensely involved in looking inside the text
• students focus on linguistic or semantic details of a reading • students focus on surface structure
details such as grammar and discourse markers • students identify key vocabulary • students may
draw pictures to aid them (such as in problem solving) • texts are read carefully and thoroughly,
again and again • aim is to build more language knowledge rather than simply practice the skill of
reading • seen more commonly than extensive reading in classrooms
Skills developed
• Rapid reading practice
• Interpreting text by using
- word attack skills
- text attack skills
- non-text information
Mackay (1968), en su libro de lectura en un segundo idioma, recuerda a los maestros que el objetivo
más importante de la clase de lectura no debe ser la prueba de que el estudiante para ver si han
comprendido. Los maestros deben, en cambio, a pasar la mayor parte del tiempo de la formación del
estudiante para comprender lo que leen.
Types of programs: Extensive reading may appear as any of the following
1. A complement to an intensive reading program
2. An extra-curricular activity where students read out of class
3. The main focus of a reading course (termed an Extensive Reading Program) where students work with
a class set of books, individual reading of material, of their own choice, with follow-up activities such as
reading logs, reading journals, book reports or projects. Although it is less common for extensive reading to
form an entire reading course, there are well-established Extensive Reading Programs operating around
the world. They have been carried on in many countries, at varying levels of education from Elementary
School to College, and in different languages.
Characteristics: 1. Students read as much as possible. 2. A variety of materials on a range of topics is
available. 3. Students select what they want to read . 4. The purposes of reading are usually related to
pleasure, information and general understanding. 5. Reading is its own reward. 6. Reading materials are
well within the linguistic competence of the students in terms of vocabulary and grammar. 7. Reading is
individual and silent. 8. Reading speed is usually faster than slower. 9. Teachers orient students to the
goals of the program. 10. The teacher is a role model of a reader for the students.
Estos son los lectores con niveles específicos de frecuencia de las palabras y los recuentos modismo
y la introducción de nuevo vocabulario a un ritmo previsto.
Broughton (1978) favorece el uso de lecturas graduadas en menos de una palabra de cada cien no es
Estos Son una buena opción para los estudiantes cuyo dominio del idioma segundo hace que sea
difícil para ellos leen textos escritos por hablantes nativos.