Various factors influencing
international business
1. culture
Individual, group or assembly ,
which affects the
characteristics of social life of
group phenomenon , it
manifests through people , is
observed when a large
majority of individuals
belonging to a group
Individuals acquire it by the group
to which they belong, it is
transmitted from one generation to
Only group includes intangible
characteristics with respect to
social life Individual, group or
assembly , which affects the
characteristics of social life of
these .
2. perception
how an individual interprets
each stimulus in the behavior of
the other negotiator .
The general idea is to identify cultural
differences , creating value in
negotiations .
3. National Negotiating Styles
Trading styles vary with
different cultural spheres of
an individual and scenarios
in which trading occurs.
Behaviors negotiator
Culture and way of
4. Advice for International Negotiators
Generate cultural and joint
strategies which should be
chosen depending on the type
of negotiator.
Culture counterpart
Culture trader
Coordination approaches
Smolinski, R.
Fundamentals of
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