Types of social Research


Mindmap about types of social research
Jessica Álvarez0872
Mind Map by Jessica Álvarez0872, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Álvarez0872
Created by Jessica Álvarez0872 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Types of social Research
  1. Descriptive Research
    1. A study design to depict the participants in an accurate way.
      1. Methods
        1. Observational
          1. Case Study
            1. Survey
        2. Evaluation Research
          1. Evaluates and specifies effects of social programs and policies and how it affects social patterns.
            1. Causes
              1. Effects
            2. Exploratory Research
              1. Tries to connect ideas to understand a cause and an effect.
                1. Methods
                  1. Surveys
                    1. Statistical
                      1. Techniques
                  2. Explanatory Research
                    1. Analyses how social conventions or daily issues happen. what the circumstances are and what variations may occur.
                    2. Alternative Research Orientations
                      1. Quantitative Method
                        1. Quantitative methods use the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data in order to explain a particular phenomenon.
                        2. Qualitative Method
                          1. Attempts to give the brief and understandable explanations of social phenomena using textual or observations data. It has relation mostly with peoples' perspectives through written or spoken words letting aside numerical interpretations.
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