The Direct and Manage Project Work process is
where you and your team actually do the work to
produce the deliverables.
Approved change request
Project Management plan
MOST important
input: it tells your
team what to build,
how to build it, and
when you're rest set
to deliver your
Since you create the Project Management plan
during the project, it’s actually a deliverable itself.
However, it’s a special case, since it still requires
you to use change control when you need to
update or change it.
Enterprise environmental factors
Organizational process assets
Any time your project produces something in the plan,
that “something” is a deliverable of your project.
Deliverables can be either internal to your company or
to the customer.
Work performance data
Your job is to direct the work, but you need to do more
than deliver the results. You also need to keep track of
how well your team performed—and that’s what the
Work Performance Data output is about
Change requests, project document, and
plan update
These are three outputs lumped together.
Expert judgment
Project Management
information system
Use the plan to create deliverables.
Deliverables are anything you produce in the
course of doing your project activities.
Repair defects in deliverables.
Your Quality Management plan focuses
on catching defects as you go, so you can
repair them as soon as possible.
As the project plan changes,
make sure those changes are
reflected in the deliverables.
This is different from fixing defects. A defect
means that the plan was right, but your
deliverable was built wrong.
The Direct and Manage
Project Work process is where
you and your team actually
do the work to produce the