The nature of teacher education


Lluvia de ideas sobre los principales conceptos
Mind Map by DANIEL FELIPE GOMEZ URIBE, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by DANIEL FELIPE GOMEZ URIBE about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The nature of teacher education
  1. Teacher training
    1. Short term and inmediate goals
      1. Refers to activities directly focused on a teacher's present responsabilities
        1. Goals from a deveploment perspective
          1. adapting the texbook to match the class
            1. Techniques for giving learners feedback on performance
              1. Learning how to use effective strategies to open a lesson
              2. New strategies in the classroom
              3. Teacher deveploment
                1. Longer-term goals
                  1. Seeks to facilitate growth of the teachers´understanding of teaching and of themselves as teacher
                    1. Involves examining different dimensions of a teacher´s practice as a basis for reflective
                      1. Goals from a deveploment perspective
                        1. understanding how our roles change according to the kind of learners we are teaching
                          1. Understanding the kinds of desicion making that occur during lessons
                            1. Developing an unsderstanding of different styles of teaching
                          2. Professional development for language teachers
                            1. What cognitive processes do we employ while teaching and while learning to teach?
                              1. What is the nature of teacher knowledge and how is it acquired?
                                1. How do experienced and novice teachers differ?
                                2. Conceptualizations of a teacher learning
                                  1. Teacher learning as skill learning
                                    1. This view sees teacher learning as de deveploment of a range of different skills or competencies, mastery of which underlies succesful teaching
                                    2. Teacher learning as a cognitive process
                                      1. In teacher education it encourages teachers to explore their own beliefs and thinking processes and to examine how these influence their classroom practice.
                                      2. Teacher learning as personal construction
                                        1. This educational philophy is based on the belief that knowledge is actively constructed by learners and not passively received
                                        2. Teacher learning as reflective practice
                                          1. Reflection is viewed as the procces of critical examination of experiences, a procces that can lead toa better understanding of one´s teaching practices and routines
                                        3. Novices and experts
                                          1. Some of the differences between noviced and experienced language teachers seem to lie in the different ways in which they relate to their contexts of work
                                            1. Advantages experienced teacher to the novice
                                              1. A richer and more elaborate knowledge base
                                                1. Better understanding and use of language learning strategies
                                                  1. greater fluidty and automaticity in teaching
                                              2. Personal and institutional perspective
                                                1. Personal perspective
                                                  1. Areas of professional deveploment
                                                    1. Subject matter knowledge
                                                      1. Pedagogical experience
                                                        1. understading of learners
                                                          1. understanding of curriculum and materials
                                                        2. Institutional prespective
                                                          1. Goals
                                                            1. Career deveploment
                                                              1. Enhanced levels of students learning
                                                          2. Collaborative Learning
                                                            1. Most succesful organizations depend on people working effectively together in teams
                                                            2. Self-directed learning
                                                              1. Inquiry asking questions about one´s own teaching practices
                                                                1. Self-appraisal Assesing one´s teaching and deveploment on the basis of evidence from oneself
                                                                  1. Experience, Personal experience becomes the basis and stimulus for learning
                                                                  2. Implementing professional deveploment
                                                                    1. identify a strategy to explore the topic you are interested
                                                                      1. Decide what kind of support you will need
                                                                        1. select a colleague or colleagues to work
                                                                        2. Implementing a professional development: the institutional perspective
                                                                          1. Determining the needs of both the institution and its teacher
                                                                            1. Setting goals for professional deveploment
                                                                              1. Selecting the participants
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