Historical information other Projects, Lessons Learned, reports
Interviews with Experts
Focus Groups
You get important information from a specific group or experts in the field
Facilitated Workshops
Gathers stakeholders to gain different perspectives of the product and probably define
Encourage participants to develop ideas mutually
Nominal Group Technique
This technique generally (not always) is performed in the brainstorming session, participants
categorized the most useful ideas during the session
Multi-criteria Decisions Analysis
Those interested quantify the requirements with a decision matrix based on factors such as levels of
risk, estimated time, costs and benefits
Mind Maps
Generate a diagram helps generate ideas, record or classified information
Affinity Diagrams
Bussines requirements
The reason why the project was held
Stakeholder requirements
They expect and want stakeholders
Solution requirements
As should look and operate the product
Transition requirements
that transfer processes or training are required to transfer the product to the customer
Project requirements
what are the expectations of how to start, execute, control and close the project
Quality requirements
quality metrics to be met by the product, as must successfully complete a deliverable
Technical requirements
What are the specifications and how the product was manufactured
The ideas generated in other requirements gathering techniques are grouped by similarities and
easy to find additional areas of scope or that had not been identified
Questionnaires and Surveys
Generate questions that can get the requirements of respondents
Learning about business processes and know the work environment concerned
Present a product model to stakeholders and get their feedback
see what the competition is doing, this study can be expensive or take a long time you risk blocking
team ceatividad
Context Diagrams
Data flow diagram, is used to define and shape the scope, product interface with other person
Group Decision Making
Delphi Technique
an information request is sent to a group of experts, who participate anonymously, responses are
compiled and the results are sent nuevmente to reach agreement
Take the opinion of the requirements to different stakeholders
Requirements Documentation
after having compiled and completed these requirements are documented
balancing Stakeholders´ Requirements
Levelling part of the requirements of stakeholders includes ensuring that they can meet the
objectives of the project