History of language teaching


Angelica Chumpit
Mind Map by Angelica Chumpit, updated more than 1 year ago
Angelica Chumpit
Created by Angelica Chumpit almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

History of language teaching
  1. Objectives
    1. Getting started
      1. Theorical approaches to explaing second languag learning
        1. Theories of teaching in language teching
          1. The nature of approches and methods in language teaching
            1. Gouin and the series method
              1. Direct Method
                1. Audiolingual Method
                  1. Community language learning
                    1. Suggestopidia
                      1. The silent Way
                        1. TPR (Total Physical Response)
                          1. The Natural Approach
                          2. A "Methodical" History of language teaching
                            1. The Grammar translation Method
                              1. Beyond Method: Notional Functional Syllabuses
                                1. Organized
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