The CognitiveBenefits of Being Bilingual

Ana Battaglino
Mind Map by Ana Battaglino, updated more than 1 year ago
Ana Battaglino
Created by Ana Battaglino almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The CognitiveBenefits of Being Bilingual
  1. Promotes cognitive reserve in elderly people
    1. Delay symptoms in people suffering from dementia.
    2. Being Bilingual
      1. It is a multidimensional construct composed of two linked parts. The first of these is language proficiency, and the second is language use.
        1. The more proficient you are in a second language, and the more you use it in your daily life, the more bilingual you will be.
      2. Widespread effects
        1. Higher density of grey matter
          1. Older people tend to have better-maintained white matter in their brains
          2. Affects the development and efficiency
            1. More efficient monitoring systems
              1. This develops skills for functions such as inhibition, switching attention and working memory.
                1. People are better at switching between tasks, even if these tasks are nothing to do with language.
                2. Bilingual people outperform monolingual people in spatial working memory tasks.
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