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Mind Map on connectors, created by jesus vazquez on 29/03/2016.
jesus vazquez
Mind Map by jesus vazquez, updated more than 1 year ago
jesus vazquez
Created by jesus vazquez almost 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. conditional
    1. if
      1. If you hurry up, you will be on time
        1. If you hurry up, you will be on time
          1. If you hurry up, you will be on time
          2. unless
            1. Unless you do something, you will get a zero
              1. Unless you study, you will get a zero
                1. Unless you study, you will get a zero
                2. in case
                  1. Take the keys in case it's closed
                    1. Take the keys in case it is closed
                      1. Take the keys in case it is closed
                    2. copulation
                      1. not only
                        1. you are not only the best
                        2. and
                          1. you and you
                          2. as well
                            1. you do it as well as me
                          3. adversative
                            1. but
                              1. He was on class but i didnt see him
                              2. yet
                                1. I don't do anything yet
                                2. instead
                                  1. instead of doing the silly think it
                                3. conclusive
                                  1. so
                                    1. I dont think so
                                    2. therefore
                                      1. is therefore
                                      2. hence
                                        1. Four hours hence
                                      3. causality
                                        1. since
                                          1. You weren't in class since you were ill
                                          2. as
                                            1. As you got a zero, you are punished
                                              1. I bought it as it was very cheap
                                              2. because
                                                1. I was crying because I was sad
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