Sin título


Esquema living things Science Mind Map on Sin título, created by nuriamoreno03 on 18/04/2016.
Mind Map by nuriamoreno03, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nuriamoreno03 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Sin título
    1. Can move
      1. Hetherotrophs
        1. Multicelular
        2. PLANT KINGDOM
          1. Can't move (arround)
            1. Autorophs
              1. Multicellular
              2. FUNGI KINGDOM
                1. Can't move
                  1. Multicellular
                    1. Heterotrophs
                    2. MONERA KINGDOM
                      1. Characteristics
                        1. Most abundance
                          1. Survive in all enviroments
                          2. Structure
                            1. Small
                              1. Some move using flagella
                                1. Cell membrane and cell wall
                                  1. No nuclear membrane or organs
                                  2. Vital funcions
                                    1. Heterotrophs or autotrophs
                                      1. Respond to changes
                                        1. Division
                                      2. PROTIST KINGDOM
                                        1. Characteristics
                                          1. Unicellular
                                            1. Complex cell
                                            2. Types
                                              1. Protozoa
                                                1. Types
                                                  1. Amoebae
                                                    1. Vorticellae
                                                      1. Typanosomes
                                                      2. Characteristics
                                                        1. Similar animal cell
                                                          1. Heterotrophs
                                                            1. Aquatic
                                                          2. Algae
                                                            1. Characteristics
                                                              1. Similar plant cell
                                                                1. Autotrophs
                                                                  1. Aquatic
                                                                    1. Don't make organs
                                                                      1. No spezialized
                                                                      2. Types
                                                                        1. Green
                                                                          1. Brown
                                                                            1. Red
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                                                                      UNIT 1. LIVING THINGS
                                                                      Ceip kantica
                                                                      Ecosystems and humans
                                                                      Iván Rebato
                                                                      ENGLISH CLASS FUTURE FORMS
                                                                      La prehistoria
                                                                      Remei Gomez Gracia
                                                                      Los ríos y aguas de España
                                                                      Remei Gomez Gracia
                                                                      ingrid villanueva
                                                                      LIVING THINGS MAP
                                                                      Mª Cristina E. PEÑA RUIZ
                                                                      Phonetic Transcription
                                                                      Sebastian Rincon
                                                                      La Edad Antigua
                                                                      Remei Gomez Gracia
                                                                      Sciences 5º living things
                                                                      Mª Cristina E. PEÑA RUIZ
                                                                      Functions of bioelements in living beings