No more raze forests and promote certified forestry .
Optimize water used for human , industrial, agricultural,
livestock , mining consumption among others. Reduce the
generation of pollutants and hazardous substances to give
them the use , storage, processing and proper disposal ..
Enable productive lands that are degraded or affected by
erosion to minimize enabling new agricultural land .. Preserve
the health of the oceans leaving dumps and turn them into
underwater sustainability advantage with the resources
provided to us.
There are human beings since
we woke started affecting the
environment. For example ,
when we sleep we lights on,
and i say that this evil is for
safety, only use lights that do
not save energy, when to bathe
spend more water than
necessary , using sprays layer
demaging ozone , when we
moved to a place car , smoke
squanders this (that can be
solved with check the car and
put a catalist decreases carbon