Chapter 5


chapter 5 pigamn legacy summary
V c
Mind Map by V c, updated more than 1 year ago
V c
Created by V c over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 5
  1. When they entered to the room an old man was ther (definetely not a ghost)
    1. While they started talking they thought he just broke into the house, and he ( the old man) thought Jhon and Lorraine where from the IRS
      1. Jhon and Lorraine run out the house because the old man was getting real angry
        1. Lorraine went to her house and read that sometimes old people act like grinch because they dont want to get hurt.
          1. Lorraine says she wanted to go back to Mr Pigamn's house
            1. At a candy store they buyed the old man some candy before they went to his house again.
              1. When they were already outside they saw the man drinking milk and decided to knock, suddenly he opened the door and said "I was waiting for you to come back"
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                Chapter 1
                V c
                Argument and Persuassion
                V c
                Chapter 4
                V c
                SISTEMA ÁCIGOS
                Gloria Saritama
                Gloria Saritama
                Gloria Saritama
                Gloria Saritama
                LITERARY GENRES
                Diana Araùz
                CAVIDAD PÉLVICA
                Gloria Saritama