
Comparative map animal and plant cells
lucas andrea  hinestroza torres
Mind Map by lucas andrea hinestroza torres, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
lucas andrea  hinestroza torres
Created by lucas andrea hinestroza torres over 8 years ago
lucas andrea  hinestroza torres
Copied by lucas andrea hinestroza torres over 8 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Cell Menbrane
      1. Nucleus
        1. Mitochondrion
          1. Lisosome
            1. Cytoplasm
              1. Vacuole
                1. Golgi Aparatus
                  1. Peroxisome
                    1. Smooth Endoplastic Reticulum
                      1. Rouhg Endoplastic Reticulum
                        1. Unicellular
                          1. Multicellular
                            1. Eukariotic and Prokaiotic
                            2. VEGETAL CELL
                              1. Vacuole
                                1. Nucleus
                                  1. Chlorloplast
                                    1. Ribosomes
                                      1. Mitochondrion
                                        1. Glyoxisomes
                                          1. Golgi Aparatus
                                            1. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                              1. Cell Wall And Cell Membrane
                                                1. Smooht Endoplsmic Reticulum
                                                  1. Unicellular
                                                    1. Multicellular
                                                      1. Eukariotic And Prokariotic
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