Information and Communication technology can help education to develop and become more efficient for learners. Here you will find a lot of learning environments that all teachers and students need to take into account to include technology into the learning process.
The learning is inside the classroom
using all kinds of technological tools
like a digital TV, projectors, social
networking, etc.
It helps student to
Students work
individually or
in groups.
It helps to engage your students
in a more interactive way.
It means to use
technology to improve the
ways of learning.
You can share material in
all kinds of formats such
as videos, slideshows,
word documents and
Users are able to
communicate with their
professors via chat and
in message forums.
It is called “online learning”
and “virtual learning”
4. Interactivity: Learners can
interact with peers, teachers,
and experts using
synchronies or asynchronous
3. Immediacy: Learners
can download
information rapidly.
2. Accessibility:
Learners can
access their
documents from
It has many characteristics:
1. Permanency: All the
students learning process is
recorded every day.
5. Situating of instructional
activities: The learning can be
put into practice in real life
situations situations.
6. Adaptability: Learners can get any
information they need, when and where
they needed.
It is a Cloud Learning
Services company
It provides schools with services
and solutions to help teachers and
students make the most of
technology hosted in the cloud.
It provides teachers, students and
parents with improve communication
and collaborationfrom school to home.
With C-learning you can bring your own device to learn.
It works very
closely to google.
It Uses online and
in-person learning.
Students can attend a traditional
class and also have an online
course outside of the classroom.
It is also called "hybrid learning"
and "mixed-mode learning"
The teacher is a guide and provides
feedback to students online assignments.
Teachers will spend less time
giving a whole lessons, and more
time meeting with students helping
them with specific concepts, skills,
questions, or learning problems.
It is also known as
"pervasive learning".
Because it is a social
learning, it provides a
It prepares
learners for real life
It means learning at
your own pace through
informal learning
modalities, or at the
moment of need.
It offers the chance
to expand your
knowledge and skills.
To gain access to a digital content
students, teachers, and parents use smart
phones and tablets because it enables
innovation and creativity,
Also clalled Mobile Learning
It is a way for students to use their
mobiles with educational purposes.
Mobile learning makes extend
education possible. It goes beyond
the classroom and the time periods
of the school day. Students have the
opportunity to access content from
home, communicate with teachers,
and work with others online.
Since students love their
mobiles, their engagement and
peer collaboration increases.