Conective Tissues


Mind Map on Conective Tissues, created by Cosette Hdz on 14/08/2016.
Cosette Hdz
Mind Map by Cosette Hdz, updated more than 1 year ago
Cosette Hdz
Created by Cosette Hdz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Conective Tissues
  1. Epithetal Tissues
    1. Functions
      1. Protection, filtration, secretion, absorption and excretion.
      2. Examples
        1. Simple squamous epithelium.
          1. Simple cuboidal epithelium.
            1. Simple columnar epithelium.
              1. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.
                1. Stratified squamous epithelium.
        2. Characteristics
          1. Tightly packed cells that form a continuous layer.
          2. Classification
            1. Covering and lining epithelium.
          3. Functions
            1. It binds together, supports, and strengthens other body tissues.
              1. Protects and insulates internal organs.
                1. Compartmentalizes structures such as skeletal muscles.
                  1. Serves as the major transport system with in body (blood).
                    1. Is the primary location of stored energy reserves (fat)
                      1. Is the main source of immune responses.
            2. Examples
              1. Loose connective tissue.
                1. Adipose tissue
                  1. Blood
                    1. Fribrous connective tissue
                      1. Cartilage
                        1. Bone
              2. Characteristics
                1. Has cells that are widely separated by a matrix, which is a noncellular material that is made up of a ground substance and fibers.
                  1. The ground substance is the component of the connective tissue between the cells and fibers
                2. Classification
                  1. Loose fibrous connective tissue, dense fibrous connective tissue, adipose tissue, reticular connective tissue, cartilage, bone and the liquid connective tissues that are blood and lymph.
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