General Systems Theory


mental map of the general theory of systems
Diego Fernando Santacruz Cespedes
Mind Map by Diego Fernando Santacruz Cespedes, updated more than 1 year ago
Diego Fernando Santacruz Cespedes
Created by Diego Fernando Santacruz Cespedes over 8 years ago

Resource summary

General Systems Theory
  1. What is ?
    1. It is an interdisciplinary study of the systems
      1. the systems consist of modules ordered parts are interrelated and they interact with each other
        1. It describes the main features of different systems
      2. Application field
        1. USED IN
          1. artificial systems
            1. machines
            2. human systems
              1. social
                1. cultural
                2. natural systems
                  1. organisms
              2. History
                1. Biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy
                  1. Decade 1940 - 1950
                    1. when
                    2. Born
                      1. 1901
                        1. Atzgersdorf, Austria
                          1. Died
                            1. Bufalo New York 1972
                        2. For him, the TGS should become a mechanism of integration between natural and social sciences
                      2. History
                        1. Ashby
                          1. When
                            1. Decade 1962-1964
                              1. President for the society of general systems
                            2. Born
                              1. 1093
                                1. London
                                  1. Died
                                    1. 1972
                                2. Influential in Cybernetics, System Theory
                              2. BASICS CONCEPTS
                                1. ENVIRONMENT
                                  1. ENERGY
                                    1. ENTROPIA
                                      1. INPUT / OUTPUT
                                        1. FEEDBACK
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