General Systems Theory


This mind map shows some basic concepts about General Systems Theory.
Jefferson Gutierritoz
Mind Map by Jefferson Gutierritoz, updated more than 1 year ago
Jefferson Gutierritoz
Created by Jefferson Gutierritoz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

General Systems Theory
  1. Is
    1. A model of set of interrelated principles and concepts that explains complex entities of organizations
      1. The GST is very generic, so this can be applied in many fields of human knowledge
        1. For examples
          1. Solar system
            1. Endocrine system
              1. Security system
              2. Its basics concepts are:
                1. Input
                  1. Process
                    1. Output
                      1. Hierarchy
                        1. Information
                          1. Boundaries of environment
                        2. Technology advances
                          1. Today, INFORMATION SYSTEMS have become a prime example of application of GST
                            1. Information Systems: network of all communication channels used in an organization
                      2. Proposed and given by
                        1. Ludwig von Bertalanffy and Ross Ashby
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