Theories of Teaching in Language Teaching


Concept map
Catalina Arenas Agudelo
Mind Map by Catalina Arenas Agudelo, updated more than 1 year ago
Catalina Arenas Agudelo
Created by Catalina Arenas Agudelo about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Theories of Teaching in Language Teaching
  1. Conceptions of Teaching
    1. Science Research Conceptions
      1. Use learning theory or learning research to validate selection of instructional tasks and tend to support the use of specific teaching strategies and techniques
        1. Essential skills: Understand the learning principles.  Develop tasks and activities based on the learning principles.  Monitor students’ performance on tasks to see that desired performance is being achieved.
        2. Theory-Philosophy Conceptions
          1. Require teachers first to understand the theory underlying the methodology and then to teach in such a way that the theory is realized in classroom practice.
            1. Communicative Language Teaching
              1. The Silent Way
              2. Essential skills: Understand the theory and the principles.  Select syllabi, materials, and tasks based on the theory.  Monitor your teaching to see that it conforms to the theory.
                1. Value Based Approaches: Essentially appeal to educational or social value systems in Justifying their proposals.
                  1. Team teaching/ Humanistic Approaches/ The learner Centered Curriculum/ Movement/ Reflective Teaching
                2. Art-Craft Conceptions
                  1. Seek to develop teaching as a unique set of personal skills wich teachers apply in different ways according to the demands of specific situations
                    1. Essential skills: Treat each teaching situation as unique.  Identify the particular characteristics of each situation.  Try out different teaching strategies.  Develop personal approaches to teaching.
                  2. Represent different points of view about what teaching is
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