Region Affected: Left posterior superior temporal; inferior parietal
Repetition: Impaired
Comprenhension: Impaired
Cortical Syndromes
Gerstmann's Syndrome
Acalculia (can't do simple arithmetic),
Finger agnosia (do not recognize
fingers), issues with left/right
discrimination, agraphia Key
features - Lesion in angular gyrus of
dominant parietal lobe
Anton Syndrome
Is Cortical blindness = blindness caused
by issues at occipital lobe (eyes are
normal) ○ Confabulates respones and
excuses; hallucinations - Patient will deny
being blind - Lesion caused by bilateral
acute ischemic strokes in occipital cortex
Balint's Syndrome
○ Simultanagnosia = inability to
perceive visual field as a whole ○
Oculomotor apraxia = cannot FIX
eyes to a spot ○ Optic
ataxia/dysmetria = cannot guide
hand towards object using visual
cues - Features - Lesion to bilateral
superior temporal-occipital lobes
(commonly with watershed