Spanish Subjunctive


Español para extranjeros
Laura -
Mind Map by Laura -, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by MrAbels over 10 years ago
Laura -
Copied by Laura - over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Spanish Subjunctive
  1. Regular conjugation chart
    1. Remember that AR → e and ER/IR →a
    2. Steps on how to form the subjunctive
      1. 1. Start in the 'yo' form
        1. 2. Drop the final 'o'
          1. No final 'o' means its irregular
            1. Note that these forms do not end in a final 'o' in the present tense.
            2. 3. Fix sounds
              1. 4. Check position in the boot
                1. AR/ER Stem-changing
                  1. Change stem in subjunctive too!
                  2. "IR" stem changing verbs
                    1. Drop the 'e' of the change when out of the boot
                    2. 5. Add an appropriate ending
                    3. car, gar, zar verbs are irregular: car → que / gar → gue / zar → ce
                  3. Keep any irregular "yo" form
                2. Basics for Subjunctive to occur
                  1. 2 clauses
                    1. Needs to have different subjects
                      1. 'Que' joins the clauses
                      2. W-E-I-R-D-O method
                        1. W = Wishes
                          1. Yo espero que digan la verdad / Deseo que estudien en otro lado.
                          2. E = Emotion
                            1. Me alegro que hayas venido / Me sienta mal que Juán fume tanto.
                            2. I = Impersonal
                              1. Es genial que Marcos vaya a Argentina / Es raro que María salga con ese chico.
                              2. R = Request
                                1. Exijo que hablen con sinceridad / Quiero que hagas ya tus deberes
                                2. D = Doubt
                                  1. Dudo que ganes tanto dinero / No creo que nieve hoy.
                                  2. O = Ojalá
                                    1. Ojalá que me den un aumento de sueldo / Ojalá que Marcos consiga el trabajo.
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