
my web site
sergio medina
Mind Map by sergio medina, updated more than 1 year ago
sergio medina
Created by sergio medina about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. WHAT IS?
    1. its meaning?
      1. A web site or Web site is a collection of related Web pages and common to an Internet domain or subdomain on the World Wide Web on the Internet. A web page is an HTML / XHTML document that is generally accessible via HTTP Internet protocol.
        1. which are the elements of the web site?
          1. How it is made a web page?
            1. images
              1. What information must have a Web page?
                1. A domain name
                  1. hyperlinks
            2. which it is a url and it does?
              1. which it?
                1. URL is an acronym of the English language corresponding to Uniform Resource Locator, This is the string that follows a standard that allows denominate resources within the Internet environment so they can be located.
                2. it does
                  1. URL Scheme sanitary protocol indicates in the net USED paragraph retrieve information resource IDENTIFIED. Among URL schemes, are http, https, ftp and mailto
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