Developmental state


Map of developmental state
Hassive Santiago
Mind Map by Hassive Santiago, updated more than 1 year ago
Hassive Santiago
Created by Hassive Santiago over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Developmental state
  1. For arguments and positive outcomes
    1. Creation of dynamic societies
      1. Mix of traditions and modernization
      2. Fast economic growth
        1. Diverse production of services and goods
          1. Regional and inter-regional treaties
          2. Enabled a dense regional trade network which contributed to a regional economic growth
            1. Developmental state does´t mean protreccionism
              1. Controlled process of market liberalization
              2. State led industrialization
                1. Government as guide for the economy
                  1. Economic success in East Asia
                2. Statist perspective without disregarding the market
                  1. liberalization only after having an effective market
                    1. Developing countries able to enjoy the benefits of a market economy
                  2. Developmental state model is an effective strategy even during globalization
                    1. Model should be adopted outside East Asia
                      1. Could help other regions to reach a great economic growth (developing countries
                        1. Transformative goals
                    2. Developmental state helped countries like China and Singapore to become richer and have a continuous economic growth
                      1. Authoritarianism as an efficient tool for the developmental state
                      2. Globalization and developmental state can coexist at the same space-time dimension
                        1. State example
                          1. Japan-Economic growth
                        2. Against arguments and negative outcomes
                          1. Developmental state as cause of the East Asian Crisis
                            1. Benefits and economic growth only for a few countries
                              1. Gaps between countries within the region as a result
                              2. Social and regional hierarchy
                                1. Militar and economic power as basis
                                2. NO longer an effective option
                                  1. Functioned only during the cold war
                                    1. Export Oriented Industrialization does´t work anymore
                                      1. Different context
                                        1. Neoliberalism
                                      2. There should´t be any governmental influence in the economy
                                        1. Economy works better with little influence of the government
                                        2. Firms and banks are getting more powerful
                                          1. Increase on social inequality
                                          2. Democracy should be prioritized before economic growth
                                            1. Rapid economic growth in the past can´t ve hold forever
                                              1. Decrease of economic growth levels
                                              2. State example
                                                1. China
                                              3. Brenda Hassive Santiago Escobar A01335588
                                                1. Influence of confucianism in developmental state
                                                  1. Collective focus
                                                    1. Common good
                                                      1. -Hierarchy (need of an effective elite) -Patriarchal model (state with high participation in the economy)
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